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Make Your Own Flat Bread

Even simpler than making pasta! This flat bread will save your mezze night! You've no bread left & feeling lazy going out? You'll be sorted in 30 minutes!

PIta Bread

Preparation: 10min

Cooking: 20 min

You should have...

  • 300 g Flour

  • 1 tsp of Salt & a bit of Pepper (to taste)

  • 2 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 25cl of lukewarm water

Then if you feel creative, you can add some spices or garlic, etc...


You should...

Mix it

In a large mixing bowl


Flour + salt + pepper


Add the Olive Oil & Water

Knead it

Cover your table top with cling film (so you don't have to wash it later...) & some flour


You need to knead until you get a homogenous dough


"If your dough is too dry and difficult to knead, put a bit of water on your hands and try again.

If it is still really crumbly, you can add a bit of Olive Oil as well,

if it is too watery & sticky add more flour..."


Make about 6 balls of dough.


Flatten with a rolling pin (about 3mm thick)

Cook it!


Be careful not to pierce the bread, it will prevent it from rising.

In a really hot pan, sear one side of the dough for about 30 sec. Flip it over.

Bread in the pan...

At this stage, the bread should start rising. When it does, leave it for 2 minutes and put it back on the first side for 30 sec again (until golden)...

Repeat the same for the rest of the dough :)

Enjoy !


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Made by So' & Max

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